Monday, April 17, 2006

I Am Morally Against My Job

What do you do when you are paid to do something you think is wrong? Right now I am working on a strip plaza project in Napanee. The problem is I think strip plazas are making our country uglier by the day. I think they are horrible. They promote the things I hate the most: Suburbs and Driving.
What do I do?


D_Hummel said...

bite the bullet reuben, your presuppositions and possibly some of your morals are no match for being able to pay the bills. btw, im morally against working, (for various complicated reasons that no one will understand, so i wont tell.... but they're good ones.) however i still go in every day, but i try to compromise. i do very little at work so i dont feel so bad that im defying my convictions. all for now. THK

Reuben said...

thanks for the advice Devon. You are always rady to help out aren't you?