Saturday, February 28, 2009

Heavy is the Cost

Recently a friend commented that I am pretty opinionated. I had to stop and think but I had to agree. I don't know why but I seem to be getting more opinionated. I have always wanted to become more laid back but maybe this is what happens when you get older. At this rate, I will be one extremely crotchety old man when I retire (if I live that long).

But at the same time I feel like someone has to think about certain issues. Everyone goes about their lives not thinking about certain issues. I am reminded of the Stars song Personal where Amy Millan sings 'Sorry to be heavy, but heavy is the cost. Heavy is the cost.' I sometimes feel like I am being "heavy" but it really is the cost of life. I can't just go around not caring about anything. I am passionate about things and being opinionated is the cost.

Being opinionated is the cost.


Anonymous said...

There's having opinions, which everybody has, and then there's pontificating them apon others unwanted. It's hard but one can have the first without doing the second.

Reuben said...

very true - that is why i post them on a blog that nobody reads